Game Day Procedures
- Please note the following rules and restrictions are subject to change at any time
- VFIHA will be enforcing event limits as determined by Vancouver Parks Board, who may change numbers or facilities as needed.
- Anyone found not in compliance with these restrictions will be denied entry to the building, or escorted out
- We will update this page accordingly, and thank you for your cooperation
Referees must come fully dressed - skates and helmets can be put on in the rink - Ref rooms/Change rooms/Dressing areas are not available
Hillcrest, Killarney, Kitsilano, Kerrisdale, PNE Agrodome, Trout Lake, Sunset, Richmond Oval - The Home Team HCSP will do a verbal declaration at the door to the building
Canlan 8 Rinks - Referees must fill out online questionnaire:
For Home and Away Teams
- Please follow direction from Arena Staff & VFIHA Team Officials, as they have ultimate authority on what happens within the facility
- For all teams visiting Vancouver Parks Board ice rinks, please note that all facilities are currently restricted to 50 persons total, which includes up to five Parks Board staff.
- Teams are limited to 20 players/coaching staff in total, allowing for 2-3 referees, and time- and score-keepers.
- Spectators and non-rostered adults are currently not allowed.
- Entrance to each facility will be 5-10 minutes before ice time, and dressing areas are not currently available for games, so players are required to enter fully dressed: put on helmets, gloves, and skates (with guards) before entering the facility, and prepare to head directly to the ice surface.
- Dressing rooms are closed - home team may have access to dressing area 10 mins before game
- Goalies can enter the building 10 minutes before ice time and use a dressing area; goalies should aim to come as prepared as possible, and aim to get gear on quickly and with minimal assistance.
- Bring water bottles filled, as filling stations are currently unavailable.
- Rink floor plans are below indicating entrances, exits, and traffic flow. Please note that teams may enter and exit at different points. For younger teams, the team manager should usher the team out together to connect with parents at a pick-up spot.
- Team managers and HCSP must remain until all players are safely returned to their parents.
- All non-players must wear masks at all times (Coaches, Managers, HCSP, score/time keepers)
- Current Vancouver Parks Board policy has the ice surface, benches, and penalty boxes considered "field of play"; all other areas in each facility are considered Stage 2, and require masks and strict social distancing at all times.
VFIHA will support the Parks Board with zero tolerance for non-compliance: any infractions called out must be immediately corrected, or individuals will be asked to leave the facility.
For Away Teams
- Away team managers must be in contact with the host team beforehand, to communicate their COVID-19 pre-screening process (Vancouver Female uses the Team Snap Health Check option).
- Away teams are responsible for pre-screening and recording their team's responses, and must ensure attendance lists are accurate; away team managers must provide a list of attendees to the VFIHA manager on day of game.
- Away team players must be fully dressed with skates & helmets on, and bring pre-filled water bottles.
- Dressing areas are not available for away teams except for goalies.
- Hockey bags are not allowed within the building.
For Home (VFIHA) Teams
- VFIHA managers must be in contact with away teams prior to game time, and be aware of the away team's COVID-19 pre-screening process: Team Snap, or other. We do not at this time need the actual results, just assurance it is done.
- VFIHA managers and HCSP officer will be responsible for ensuring facility capacities are enforced (ie, 20 players/officials per team), administering/confirming the Team Snap Health Check on all home team players and coaches, and administering a verbal Health Check to refs as they arrive.
- Teams are advised to assign time- and score-keeping duties to already rostered team members — on-ice helpers, ACs, managers — in order to best utilize the Availability and Health Check tracking in Team Snap. If any time- or score-keepers not on the team roster are required, utilize the same verbal check-in as with refs, and record the results (see below).
- Managers are also responsible for ensuring the Availability tracker in Team Snap is accurate for each event: this will be our standard list of attendance, so update all player and coach availability to either Yes or No.
- Post-game, please email a copy of the away team's attendance to, including the facility and date/time. We will use each home team's Availability and Health Check as recorded in Team Snap as our record, so no need to send printed/photographed reports from this point onwards.
- VFIHA Home Game Referee Health Check Form: record ref, time- and score-keeper health checks and names here.
As always, managers and HCSP must ensure that each player is safely returned to their parents post-game (U15 and under, and U18 as appropriate). Please communicate to your team's parents how and where their players should be picked up.
VFIHA Away Teams
- Away games must still use the Team Snap Availability and Health Check per ice-time.
- When playing away games, each team manager will need to communicate with the home team to determine facility attendance/COVID-19 pre-screening requirements: this may require each player to submit a different form day of game — some associations are using Google forms or other system. The home team will have the authority to manage this, and may reject players who have not submitted it. In the event of carpooling or other transportation issues, this might be very difficult to manage at the rink, so it's imperative parents and players understand the process.
- As above, expect to arrive as fully dressed as possible, and likely proceed directly to the ice surface.
Vancouver Park Board Arena Floor Plans
Park Board Staff will be available at all rinks, and will help guide teams to where they need to be
Note: away teams are not permitted to access dressing areas before games, cannot bring hockey bags into the building, and must head straight to the ice surface fully dressed (with skate guards)
There will most likely be multiple entrances/exits for each facility - Arena staff will direct you to the appropriate entry/exit
- Hillcrest Floor Plans
- Trout Lake Floor Plans
- Sunset Floor Plans
- Kitsilano Floor Plans
- Killarney Floor Plans
- Kerrisdale Floor Plans
- West End Floor Plans
- Access to Agrodome North Entrance — Enter the building at the North Entrance, accessible by Gate 6 off Renfrew St.Dropoff available in lot adjacent to the Agrodome, while parking is available near the Pacific Coliseum
- Richmond Oval Procedures