All players receive development sessions a minimum of every two or three weeks at the Richmond Oval with Nate Leslie and his coaching staff.
On top of this, Nate and his coaches run our optional skating sessions, which are available to all players throughout the season.
Our association also has a September skating program, where we book extra ice in and bring in outside instructors to help kick start our players' development at the beginning of the season. This helps our players get going faster, use the right techniques, and have fun doing it.
All of these player development activities are included with your registration:
- On-ice development with Nate Leslie (LGS) at Richmond Oval
- Goalie development with Elite Goalies at Richmond Oval
- Coaching mentorship
- Coaching practice plan development manuals
- Coaches social nights
- Extra September skating sessions
- Rep player on-ice/off-ice skill development with UBC Women's Team coaches and players
Goalie Development
Goalies have access to two development sessions every week at the Richmond Oval through our partner Elite Goalies. Pasco Valana and his coaches work with our goalies on fundamentals while also building up their skill level.
Coaching Development
Coaching is key to this system, and Nate Leslie acts as a Coach Mentor to all coaches in our association. New and experienced coaches can expect support from our association in the form of practice plans, development models, mentorship, coach development nights, and a general level of support not found in many other associations.
Rep Development
Rep players have access to our development program with the UBC Women's Team coaching staff and players. These are weekly on-ice and off-ice development programs where our players train just like the UBC Women's Team.
These programs focus on core strength, speed, quickness, and agility, while showcasing the skills necessary to compete at the highest level. This program is unique among minor hockey associations in Metro Vancouver, and we're proud to partner with the UBC Women's Team.
Teams are also welcome to bring in outside instructors to help run their practices. This is a great use of any funds raised through the many fundraising opportunities offered by Vancouver Female.
For more information on how our player development programs are run, please visit the Richmond Oval High Performance site:
Nate Leslie has this to say about the Vancouver Female Player Development Model:
It is with great pleasure that I can reflect on the great strides we have made in our hockey development initiatives within the Vancouver Female Hockey Association over the past few years.
Now into our fourth season of development together, I see the results of all the hard work and dedication every day.
Vancouver Female Hockey, Leslie Global Sports, the Richmond Oval High Performance Program, and Elite Goalies have forged a create community partnership allowing Vancouver Female to take big steps forward in this time. I've seen development initiatives in many associations, and perhaps none are as holistic, inclusive, and well intentioned as that developed by the Vancouver Female Association.
Where we focus our attention:
- Top down, inclusive, participatory coach mentorship
- Coach education nights
- Player on ice skill development
- Goalie on ice development
- Off ice holistic athletic development and fitness training
The Vancouver Female Hockey Association is a flagship association for the well intentioned age appropriate initiatives, and supportive female hockey community that it has become. I am proud to be associated with such a Class A organization.Sincerely,
Nate LeslieParents and players can subscribe to Nate's newsletter and blog here: