Richmond Oval Game/Practice Procedures

  • Players and rostered team officials will meet at the Main Entrance in the parking garage (see below) to the Oval 15 minutes before ice time
  • Latecomers may not be admitted once the group has been escorted into the building
  • Two team officials required per team: HCSP and manager or coach: manager is responsible for ensuring each group is appropriately staffed.
  • All persons entering the building will have completed a Team Snap Health Check and been cleared by the group HCSP/Manager
  • Masks must be worn by all persons entering the building
  • Building staff will escort the group (players and officials) through the lobby, and upstairs to the rink dressing areas
  • Players can then finish getting dressed (skates, gloves, helmets) and remove their masks once helmets are worn
  • Coaches/team officials must wear masks the entire time in the building
  • After ice time, players come off the ice, remove helmets, gloves, and skates, and put on masks; the group is then escorted to the exit by building staff
  • No spectators are allowed in the building at any time — all adults must be rostered team officials or development coaches
  • For shared practices: when teams in different cohorts (e.g., U15 C1 and C2) are sharing development or other practice time, it's imperative the teams be kept separate for the entire session time; mixing cohorts would require both teams to drop back to Stage 2 for two weeks.

Cleaning Procedures

  • Oval-owned equipment and spaces will be cleaned between user sessions by Oval staff
  • In addition to this cleaning, the Oval requests that VFIHA facilitators — team managers and HCSP — help clean dressing area seats that are used by VFIHA members during their ice time bookings. This includes wiping down seats/chairs/benches utilized by the team at rink side. Spray bottles and cleaning cloths are provided by the facility, gloves are available upon request. To avoid unintentionally spreading surfaces, one cloth/rag per station should be used and then disposed of.


Main Entrance check-in area

Dressing Areas - additional area at far end of rink

Cleaning supplies and typical "Do not sit" markings

Pick-up area — players returned to parents here