Maltreatment/Discrimination is described as volitional acts that result in harm or the potential for physical or psychological harm (Section 11 of the rule book)


Full Maltreatment/Discrimination Policy is available here: Vancouver Female Hockey Maltreatment/Discrimination Policy



How to Handle Maltreatment/Discrimination Within a Game

Players overhearing discriminatory language, slurs, or otherwise objectionable words on the ice should inform their team captain and/or coach right away, with the jersey number of the source; team captain should then inform the ref at the next stoppage of play, and bring the head coaches together to settle the matter. Penalties can be quite severe:

• 11.4  Gross Misconduct – Discrimination - Indefinite Suspension (minimum 5 games)


How to Handle Rough Play Within a Game

Coaching staff can handle rough play through a number of measures, including:

  • Calling the referees over to the bench and respectfully speaking to them about the rough play, requesting more direct action
  • Speaking respectfully to the opposing coaches during a break in play or intermission
  • At no time can a coach or team official speak disrespectfully to a referee - remember, referees are under no obligation to speak to coaches at any time
  • If referees are refusing to speak to a coach, the player captain may ask to speak to the referee (though the answer may be no)

Also note, if a coach suspects an upcoming game will be rough, based on past games, they are free to:

  • Request experienced referees by making a request through the VFIHA RIC (
  • Speak to the opposing team coaching staff before the game, and ask them to speak to their players about rough play


If none of these actions results in satisfactory outcomes, a coach may forward a request through their division Coach Coordinator, to have the VFIHA President speak to the other association's President about the ongoing behaviour.